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Please Join Us!

Here are the details for the upcoming virtual events we have planned.  The link to each event is included in your monthly member email.  If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at events@hpsnetwork.org

Adults, come join us for fun conversation and a sharing of experiences about living with HPS. This month’s call will be on July 23rd at 7pm ET.  If you prefer to have the conversation in Spanish, join us on July 16th at 7pm ET.

Adultos, únanse a nosotros para una conversación divertida y un intercambio de experiencias sobre cómo vivir con HPS. La llamada de este mes será el 23 de julio a las 7pm ET.  Si prefiere tener la conversación en español, únase a nosotros el 16 de julio a las 7pm ET. 

Parents, come join us for conversation and community.  The conversation is open to parents of all ages.  We will be conversing in English on July 29th at 12pm ET.  We will be conversing in Spanish on July 8th and 15th at 12pm ET.

Padres, únanse a la conversación y la comunidad. Esta llamada está abierta a padres o encargados de personas con HPS.  Conversaremos en ingles el  29 de julio a las 12pm ET.  Estaremos conversando en español,  8 de julio y 15 de julio a las 12pm ET.


Join us, for a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, July 31st at 8pm ET.  As always, Donna will be giving an update on the work the Network is doing.  It is also the perfect setting to bring all of your HPS questions and concerns. 

Tendremos una reunión abierta el 31 de julio a las 8pm ET. Como siempre, Donna no informara sobre el trabajo que está haciendo la Red. También es el escenario perfecto para traer todas sus preguntas e inquietudes sobre HPS.  

Mothers, join us for these interactive workshops with Sheila Adamo, LCSW, CADC.

The workshops provide an opportunity for mothers of children with HPS to connect, learn and empower one another.  Participants will have an opportunity to process the many emotions that come along with having a child with HPS while continuing to build a community of supportive, wonderful mothers that will be part of your team.

Registration is required for these events.  Follow the links below to register today!
